Patriotic Dream Team Flips the Bird to Leftist Hollywood

Here’s another installment of the GAS - the only newsletter that gives you that last day of school feeling. Every single day.

Here’s what we have for you today…

  • Patriotic Dream Team Flips the Bird to Leftist Hollywood

  • A Victory for Physicians and Patients – and the First Amendment

  • Trump Wants To End Taxes For People Who Work For Tips

  • Dog Runs 4 Miles To Help Save Owner After Car Crash

We are never defeated unless we give up on God. Without God, democracy cannot and will not long endure.

- Ronald Reagan

Patriotic Dream Team Flips the Bird to Leftist Hollywood and Promotes Freedom with the Premier of The Relentless Patriot

relentless patriot

Ninety-nine percent of us won’t serve in the military. But that doesn’t mean we won’t serve our country in other ways.

We serve our communities as Law Enforcement and First Responders. We volunteer at local levels and dedicate ourselves to charitable causes we are passionate about. 

We look out for our neighbors, our friends, and our families. We have spouses, siblings, and children who serve in our military, and we take a rocky ride loving and supporting them.

And we dare to say HELL NO when we see our country being attacked, and our rights trampled.

At least, some of us do.

Whether we refused to cave for an experimental vaccine, apologize for our skin color, or surrender our parental rights, we have experienced the backlash of a country we had no idea we lived in a country that embraces tyranny and globalization over constitutional rights and independence.

But few people outside of law enforcement or military service have put themselves on the line as much as Scott LoBaido.

For decades, Scott has been an actual peaceful protestor, using his art and his courage to be exactly who he wants to be, and letting that personality hang all out there as he defends our country’s flag.

From painting flags on buildings around the country, marching down streets in protest, painting those streets, tossing pizzas - you name it- Scott has brought it into the art of protesting against constitutional violations, dangerous government moves, and the dishonoring of our flag.

His arrest count is higher than Hunter's.

And still, he refuses to back down.

Now, his story and message are being shared globally through the film, The Relentless Patriot.

This film is directed by Christopher Martini, of Triple Martini Productions. Chris is another patriotic American who has dedicated himself and his art to promoting our country’s core values, standing up for our military families, and pushing back against the lunacy sweeping the country we once hailed as the freest country on earth.

This film, Chris wrote on social media, “is not just a film, it’s a battle cry for our country right now.”

It is produced by Joshua Macciello, and Dan Caropreso, with executive producers Arthur Sarkissian and Frank Torchia, and released through Global Ascension Studios.

It’s a dream team of patriotic Americans working together to flip the bird to Leftist Hollywood while inspiring Americans to not give up on the country so many people have given so much for. 

You can do your part - and do yourself a favor- by getting your tickets and heading out to a theater near you to watch this film this week. It is officially released on June 13, so hop onto Fandango and get your tickets for this week!

Together, we can bring a red wave to theaters.  [Learn More Here]

Don’t forget the popcorn!

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit Upholds Physician’s Freedom of Speech After Mayorkas and Medical Boards Censorship on Controversial Issues

As more and more Americans become disenchanted with American healthcare, more and more physicians and medical professionals are stepping up to restore their ability to properly care for their patients.

Healthcare is a mega-industry. We’ve all experienced the frustrations of seeking treatment or preventive care, from months waiting for an appointment, to hours in waiting rooms, to 12-minute exams leading to insurance forms and more months waiting for follow-up care - and that’s just the annoying part of it. 

The dangerous part of American healthcare is the political and corporate games being played on patients.

On top of human error and misdiagnosis, we as patients are pawns in a political arena, subject to healthcare options and information that is not necessarily in our best interest.

COVID-19 spotlighted some of that. 

But what many of us didn’t know is that since 1943, a group of dedicated physicians has been fighting to reclaim their medical practices and provide patients with alternatives to corporate and politically decided healthcare.

Recently, these physicians have been censored, threatened, and demonized for exercising their constitutional rights and their duties to their patients - and last week the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit handed them- and us- a victory.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) website describes itself as “a non-partisan professional association of physicians in all types of practices and specialties across the country,” and states it is “..dedicated to the highest ethical standards of the Oath of Hippocrates and to preserving the sanctity of the patient-physician relationship and the practice of private medicine.” Rand Paul, Ron Paul, and Tom Price are included on the Member list.

Wikipedia describes it as, “a politically conservative non-profit association that promotes conspiracy theories and medical misinformation.”

In September 2021, several medical credentialing boards created COVID-19 Misinformation Policies and deployed these policies against physicians who spoke out in opposition to Fauci and the government’s approved prevention and treatment plans. Vaccine safety and ivermectin as treatment are two examples of this. 

That Misinformation Board holds that any member who disagrees with them is spreading misinformation and can be convicted in closed panel meetings without the member being allowed to present their views based upon the data and evidence at hand.

The AAPS had enough and sued three medical specialty boards for their threatened actions to revoke board certifications of physicians who speak out on medical controversies.

Physicians earn and need these board certifications to hold professorships, practice medicine in most hospitals, and remain in most insurance networks.

Defendants are the American Board of Internal Medicine (“ABIM”), the American Board of Family Medicine (“ABFM”), and the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology (“ABOG”). In addition, Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary, is a defendant due to alleged government interference with freedom of speech.

The lawsuit alleges these Boards, together with Mayorkas support, “coordinated to censor and chill the speech of physicians, including some associated with AAPS, who spoke critically of positions taken by Dr. Anthony Fauci, lockdowns, mask mandates, Covid vaccination, and abortion. This was and continues to be done by labeling dissenting views as misinformation, disinformation, and misinformation, and the Board Defendants have expressly threatened to strip certification from otherwise qualified physicians who express such views.”

The Lawsuit states, “Some examples of chilling by the Board Defendants includes ABOG sending letters to all certified physicians threatening to strip them of their invaluable certification for making statements concerning abortion and contraception, or for warning pregnant women that the Covid vaccine could have negative side effects. ABIM and ABFM sent similarly threatening letters on May 26, 2022, to certified physicians for making statements disagreeing with positions taken by Dr. Fauci and the Biden Administration in handling the Covid pandemic.”

Fifth Circuit Judge James Ho went so far as to write, “In America, we don’t fear disagreement—we embrace it. We persuade—we don’t punish. We engage in conversation—not cancellation…We know how to disagree with one another without destroying one another. Or at least that’s how it’s supposed to work.” 

This ruling solidified what is already an American right, and should never have been withheld in the first place - the right to object in court to censorship of physicians’ speech on topics ranging from government Covid policies to abortion. 

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A dog in Oregon ran four miles to find help after its owner, Brandon Garrett, drove his truck over a cliff.

The incident occurred at a Baker County campsite on a Monday morning.

The dog alerted family members, who then notified authorities. A search party was dispatched and found Garrett’s overturned truck at the edge of a creek.

Garrett spent the night in the ravine, injured and unable to climb out.

a dog ran over four miles to find help after its owner drove over an oregon cliff.


BREAKING: President Trump announces that he will put an END to taxes on tips. Elect him as President this November & you’ll keep your tips. Please send this video to every single person you know in the service industry.



 🚨 European Union moves toward the conservative right [Read More]

 🗽 Actor and comedian Russell Brand: “If you care about democracy, if you care about freedom, I don’t know how you could do anything other than vote for Donald Trump." [Read More]

 💩 Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs is under investigation by the state's attorney general for an alleged “pay-to-play” scheme with a political donor. [Read More]

🔥Celebrity Amber Rose shuts down a reporter questioning her support for Donald Trump, says, “We’re no longer brainwashed” [Watch]

🗳️ Multiple states are STILL refusing to prevent voter fraud with the election just 5 months away. Judicial Watch is fighting the states to demand action. Please sign their petition 

🇵🇸 Pro-Palestine rioters defaced statues, assaulted a park ranger, and set fire outside the White House over the weekend.


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Barb Allen & Dave Brown

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